Sunday, January 07, 2007

Fondue on Front St.

They have a tank of jellyfish by the bar, they look so beautiful just floating around. I could stare at them all day.

Our friends Caressa and Jim and their baby Orin met us Downtown to have some fondue at The Little Dipper. The food was delicious and we finished up with an amazing milk chocolate fondue. It came with strawberries, bananas, marshmellows and more. Definitly a treat!
After dinner they stopped by our apt. and we gave them one of the eggnog custard pies that Brian made. He created the recipe on my request since I love eggnog anything. Orin had so much fun playing with Isabelle, and she was especially sweet and gentle with him. We all had a wonderfull time.

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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Holiday Recap

I just realised that I haven't made a holiday post! We had a great Christmas and a nice and relaxing New Year's Eve. Above is the awesome Hello Kitty Christmas card I got from Eddie. He was also kind enough to send me a super cool Charmmy Kitty DS Lite skin that's only available in Japan! Here's me doing my japanese school girl pose, ha ha!

We really had a wonderful Christmas, we went to Jacksonville to spend the 4 day weekend with our parents. Along with our suitcases and gifts, we brought the sugar gliders in their travel cage and Isabelle in her carrier, it was like the Jones family traveling zoo, ha! We got great gifts, some of my favorites were the new Josh Groban CD, makeup, and a sewing machine. Brian got Family Guy Monopoly and a new power tool set.
For New Year's Eve we stayed home and relaxed. Our Christmas was really busy since we had to attend events with different family members the whole time so we just sat in our PJs and watched the ball drop on TV. At midnight I kissed my darling husband, it was the perfect end to a great year.

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A trip to the museum

Driving to the museum

This beautiful kimono looking piece is part of the "weaving" exhibit. It's woven out of thousands of strips of fabric, with wording embrodered on the collar. I really liked it.

These were made from cables, wires, and hoses.

I look so serious, ha ha.
Today I decided to check out the exhibits at the local art museum. Museums aren't really Brian's cup of tea so I went by myself. It's a small one but they had some interesting pieces. After the museum I stopped by a coffee shop downtown that I used to go to when I first moved to Wilmington. The barista recognized me and gave me a big hug, I told him about getting married to Brian and he was really happy for me. Later I picked Brian up and we had dinner at Terazzo, it was recommended by Natalie, my step-sister. She used to work there and told us how great the food is. She was right, everything was delicious. We'll definitly be going back.


Thursday, December 28, 2006

Brian got me the cutest little cactus the other day. I keep it on a tiny lanyard on my DS Lite but I decided to keep it on my desk today and take the top off to give it a little more air. I only have to water it once a month, finally a plant I probably wont kill! Ha ha!


tea and journaling

I love to write in my journal between calls at work. A hot cup of Lavender Earl Grey tea in a cute mug is pretty nice too. Sometimes it gets cold in here and I'll just bundle up in my Hello Kitty blanket and drink hot tea all day.


Sunday, December 03, 2006

A trip to the vet.

I took Isabelle to the vet yesterday for her "new kitten checkup". She behaved very well, and purred at the vet and the assistants. I snapped a few pics while we were waiting in the exam room. I took her to the Sound Cat down the road from where we live, it's a really nice cat only vet.
It's a good thing I took her yesterday because her scar where she was spayed had opened and got a little infected. Poor baby, they had to put her under while they reopened it and cleaned it out and closed it back up. It only took a few minutes and she was acting fine afterwards, but I still felt bad for her. We've got an antibiotic to give her twice a day and pain medicine once a day.
Other than that she's being a normal little kitty, playing , eating, and napping. Her new favorite hobbies are chasing bottle caps across the floor and pouncing on our feet under the covers when we try to sleep at night. Brian and I are learing to sleep while moving our feet as little as possible! ha!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Happy Holidays!

It's that time of year again... the Christmas Season!! I love this time of year, the chilly weather, the eggnog, Christmas cards, decorating the tree, shopping and gift wrapping. I could go on and on. To me Dec 1 is the first day of open season. I'm making my gift shopping lists and planning the decorations. I'm going to try to twist Brian's arm and get a Christmas tree tomorrow. If it was up to him we'd either wait till the 20th or not get one at all (his argument is that we'll be at our parent's house for Christmas anyway so why bother). Well Mr. Scrooge will be overruled. ;)
Isabelle seems oblivious to my excitement, little does she know that I have a santa hat for her to wear. My mother in law got it for her in Myrtle Beach. I'm thinking about having one of those photo Christmas cards made, I'd love to have her wearing it in the picture but I don't think Brian would go for it. We'll see.... ;)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

artsy fartsy

I got a new journal about a week and a half ago, naturally I had to personalize it. It turns out that the girl who sits next to me at work happens to have the same journal, since she also is a hardcore hello kitty fan we're thinking we may have been separated at birth. ;)
I also started a new artjournal, I missed doing crafty stuff like this. Now that my craft stuff is more organized I can get more done.
There's something theraputic about journaling, either by writing, drawing, collage, whatever. Just getting feelings down on paper helps when I'm going through alot, or want to get something off my chest. I don't consider myself an artist at all, so I had to learn to not criticize my artistic attempts. Since it's just for me and it doesn't go on the wall for anyone else to see, it's easier to be artistic in my journals. It's also to nice to look back and see where I've been and how far I've come.

Here she is!

Meet Isabelle! Our sweet little ragdoll kitten, she's 4 mo. old and just as sweet as can be. She's a purebred and her parents are both award winners. Her father even won a European cat award at a show in Switzerland, the only ragdoll to have that title! She's very soft spoken and dainty, she'll watch you play with a piece of string, and paw at it but never chase it. She'll follow us around and loves to sit on the couch next to us. If she can't find one of us she'll meow and look for us. We can pick her up in our arms like a baby and she'll just lay there and purr and purr.
Daddy (aka Brian) will boil a piece of chicken for her as a treat, she loves that. He's such a softie around her, he's really quite taken with her. This was Mr. I'd-never-get-attatched-to-a-cat, well you should see him now! It's quite touching to see how he dotes on her. :)
She likes to sleep on the bed with us but whenever we toss or turn she attacks our feet! It's funny though. I love having such a sweet kitty to come home to, I get to cuddle with her and Brian as soon as I get home it's the best.

Friday, November 24, 2006

getting ready...

Here's the kitty couch I made for our ragdoll kitten, I'm picking her up tomorrow, I can't wait! We've got everything ready, litterbox, food dishes, scratching post, toys, and lots of love.
It will be so good to have a cat around the house again, to cuddle and play with. There's just nothing like hearing the purr of a kitty that loves you.

I'll be sure to post pics of her as soon as possible.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Brian and I spent the holiday at his parents house, they had a few family and friends over, it was really nice. I wish I could have enjoyed it more, but I've got a really terrible cold. I can't talk and my throught hurts like hell whenever I cough or swallow. So motrin and dayquil have been my best friends for the last couple days.
I'm hoping to feel a little better tomorrow since that's when I'm going to pick up our new kitten. I'm so excited to get her, we've been looking forward to it for months. I'll post pics of her as soon as I can, I'm sure she'll be just adorable. :)