Wednesday, November 29, 2006

artsy fartsy

I got a new journal about a week and a half ago, naturally I had to personalize it. It turns out that the girl who sits next to me at work happens to have the same journal, since she also is a hardcore hello kitty fan we're thinking we may have been separated at birth. ;)
I also started a new artjournal, I missed doing crafty stuff like this. Now that my craft stuff is more organized I can get more done.
There's something theraputic about journaling, either by writing, drawing, collage, whatever. Just getting feelings down on paper helps when I'm going through alot, or want to get something off my chest. I don't consider myself an artist at all, so I had to learn to not criticize my artistic attempts. Since it's just for me and it doesn't go on the wall for anyone else to see, it's easier to be artistic in my journals. It's also to nice to look back and see where I've been and how far I've come.

Here she is!

Meet Isabelle! Our sweet little ragdoll kitten, she's 4 mo. old and just as sweet as can be. She's a purebred and her parents are both award winners. Her father even won a European cat award at a show in Switzerland, the only ragdoll to have that title! She's very soft spoken and dainty, she'll watch you play with a piece of string, and paw at it but never chase it. She'll follow us around and loves to sit on the couch next to us. If she can't find one of us she'll meow and look for us. We can pick her up in our arms like a baby and she'll just lay there and purr and purr.
Daddy (aka Brian) will boil a piece of chicken for her as a treat, she loves that. He's such a softie around her, he's really quite taken with her. This was Mr. I'd-never-get-attatched-to-a-cat, well you should see him now! It's quite touching to see how he dotes on her. :)
She likes to sleep on the bed with us but whenever we toss or turn she attacks our feet! It's funny though. I love having such a sweet kitty to come home to, I get to cuddle with her and Brian as soon as I get home it's the best.

Friday, November 24, 2006

getting ready...

Here's the kitty couch I made for our ragdoll kitten, I'm picking her up tomorrow, I can't wait! We've got everything ready, litterbox, food dishes, scratching post, toys, and lots of love.
It will be so good to have a cat around the house again, to cuddle and play with. There's just nothing like hearing the purr of a kitty that loves you.

I'll be sure to post pics of her as soon as possible.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Brian and I spent the holiday at his parents house, they had a few family and friends over, it was really nice. I wish I could have enjoyed it more, but I've got a really terrible cold. I can't talk and my throught hurts like hell whenever I cough or swallow. So motrin and dayquil have been my best friends for the last couple days.
I'm hoping to feel a little better tomorrow since that's when I'm going to pick up our new kitten. I'm so excited to get her, we've been looking forward to it for months. I'll post pics of her as soon as I can, I'm sure she'll be just adorable. :)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


My mom and stepdad came over last weekend to help me *finally* get the apartment decorated and hang pictures. They have great taste and great ideas, so it's always a treat when they offer to help out. Michael and I went shopping for pictures and frames while mom helped out with the housework that had been piling up. We hung pictures, decorated shelves, and organized all my craft stuff. A very productive and exhausting day.
It's times like these that remind me how lucky I am to have such great parents. No matter how grown up I feel, it's always nice to have parents who come in and save the day and help me out with things when I feel overwhelmed.

Hello Kitty overload!

Last week I had a very good "hello kitty" day! I bought a mug and 2 ricebowls from a girl at work, and then Kelly, who sits next to me, gave me a hello kitty pez dispenser. I already had the one on the left so now I have little collection started.
Later in the same day, Amanda stopped by my desk and gave me the blue cd holder. It was like it was Hello Kitty day at work! I have such sweet friends. :)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Wifi fun!

Tonight I went on Animal Crossing Wild World wifi with a couple friends from work. For some reason my connection was giving me a little trouble going to other people's worlds but they came over to mine and we had a blast. It was pretty cute, each of our characters ended up with the same purple glasses. We were running around all over the place, planinting trees and picking fruit and checking out each other's houses.

Now I'm watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I haven't seen this movie in a while, but it's one of my favorites. I'm going to see if I can make it through the ending without crying this time... it would be the first, ha ha.
Sometimes I wish I could dye my hair some crazy color and have part of my memory erased. Or at least walk on a beach while it's snowing. I would love to see that someday, especially since I'm so used hot beaches of NC.

I also love Amelie, Sense and Sensibility and Shopgirl. Yes I'm a sappy girl :)


What a day... I try to go to lunch at a nice little coffee shop near work and I ended up standing at the counter for 20 min for the lady to take my order! I guess she was short handed and didn't really know how to use the blenders or where to find the different ingredients. It also didn't help that the person before me ordered a bunch of stuff. So by the time I ordered my sandwich I had to ask for it to go. I get it 5 min later and run to the car.
I open the bag and I find a bunch of granola, yogurt and fruit... She gave me the wrong order.
Not only did I spend my entire lunch break standing in my gorgeous but uncomfortable heels but I had to eat like a hippy or starve... *sigh* I guess it could have been worse.

I went to Barnes and Noble's after work to wind down a little, and found this on the magnetic poetry board. I like going there to unwind sometimes, find new knitting books and write in my journal. Maybe next time I'll leave something on the poetry board myself.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Saturday in Myrtle Beach

Saturday my mother in law and I went to Myrtle Beach as a group trip with other nurses she works with. We had so much fun shopping and just spending time together. We also got to see the Dixie Stampede Christmas Show. The show was great and the food wasn't too bad either, even though we had to drink our soda out of a jar... ha, ha.

I feel very lucky to have such great in laws. Brian's family is so great, it's nice to be a part of a family where you feel accepted and loved. And it's nice to have sisters, since I'm an only child I never got to experience that before. I can really see the closeness between Brian and his 2 sisters, it's nice. His niece and nephew are adorable too, I hope our kids turn out as well.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

new wreath

I was feeling pretty crafty today so I made myself a fall wreath. I had a coupon for 50% off at AC Moore so I had to go to the craft store... again. ;) I saw a wreath similar to this one at the store for $10, but I thought to myself "I can make that for less!" so I did. I bought the stuff for this for about $5! A few minutes and a little hot glue later and Brian was holding the wreath for me to snap a pic. :)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Nuthin like dried squid parts for a snack! Yummy!
Haha, ok so I picked the strawberry pocky instead... hey it's pink. ;)

I love going to Tokyo Deli for lunch, the food is great and they've got the coolest japanese snacks and stuff in the store section.

My friend Jackie got promoted to Universal Coordinator like me so she got to sit and listen to me take calls for a couple hours today. We took our break at the same time so we went into the lobby and I taught her how to knit. She picked it up really quickly, I showed her how to knit and purl a couple times and she was knitting away, doing the 3 x 3 ribbing pattern on my shrug sleeve. I'm hoping to get her hooked, so I'll have a knitting buddy at work. ;)

Happy Halloween!

Here's a blurry pic of me in my Little Red Riding Hood costume that Brian got me. We went to Caressa and Jim's for dinner and handing out candy to the neighborhood kids. They dressed up as a Vampire and Star Treker, the baby was even in a little vampire costume, too cute!

I met the infamous Squirt tonight too... their cute but neurotic cat. He apparantly hates stranges and will just attack people for no reason. I felt bad since I love cats, but hearing him howl and growl and hiss at me from across the room made me decide against trying to make friends with him. But seeing him and their other cat made me miss having a cat around the house... I can't wait to get our baby ragdoll in a couple months. Hopefully I'll have a chance to visit her at the breeder's again soon.