Wednesday, November 29, 2006

artsy fartsy

I got a new journal about a week and a half ago, naturally I had to personalize it. It turns out that the girl who sits next to me at work happens to have the same journal, since she also is a hardcore hello kitty fan we're thinking we may have been separated at birth. ;)
I also started a new artjournal, I missed doing crafty stuff like this. Now that my craft stuff is more organized I can get more done.
There's something theraputic about journaling, either by writing, drawing, collage, whatever. Just getting feelings down on paper helps when I'm going through alot, or want to get something off my chest. I don't consider myself an artist at all, so I had to learn to not criticize my artistic attempts. Since it's just for me and it doesn't go on the wall for anyone else to see, it's easier to be artistic in my journals. It's also to nice to look back and see where I've been and how far I've come.


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